• Hugo Kornelis (5/25/2010)

    malleswarareddy_m (5/24/2010)

    hi ,

    like operator will search for _ only.and return any characters. then it does not return any rows.because i worked many times using like operator.but if we use '%_%' or '%_' or '_%'. then i think it will display the number of characters.but directly with like '_' it will not return the rows.and also i extecuted the above query but it will not return any rows.

    Did you try setting the collation to CZECH_CI_AS, as Honza indicated in the explanation?

    Certain Nordic collations will also consider some two-character combinations as a single character, and I expect German collations to do that as well (e.g. ss = ß, ue = ü, etc)

    Hi I checked with different collations

    with two queries

    select string from #t where string COLLATE CZECH_CI_AS like '_'

    the above you have given returns gives





    four rows.

    But when i using my default collation using this query

    select string from #t where string COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS like '_'

    It does not return any results.I got wrong.Because I did not checked on different collations.You answer is correct.The Result depens upon collations.Thanks for posting good answer.

    learned some thing new for the day.
