• Paul White (3/1/2010)

    GabyYYZ (3/1/2010)

    One option, especially if you have an indexed identity column on your source table, is to generate a separate table of random row numbers, create a clustered index on it, and join with the original table.

    Nice idea. Of course, the 'random' numbers are then a bit, er, 'fixed' aren't they?

    Can't believe you used a RBAR method to populate your table. 😛

    For smallish numbers of random rows, I prefer an approach very similar to the one posted by Gary earlier.

    It does require a table with a sequential ID, but that's pretty common - excepting those that like GUIDs as a PK *shudder*

    LOL, just tried it like I suggested, it did NOT work. Strange, so for now, newid() is still the best way. 🙂

    Gaby________________________________________________________________"In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they are not." - Albert Einstein