Home Forums SQL Server 7,2000 T-SQL T-SQL code to group data into comma delimited column RE: T-SQL code to group data into comma delimited column

  • i'm pretty sure it still works, i changed my 2005 database to compatibility level 80, and it worked just fine, but you'll need to test it:

    Alas, it does not :/. This trick is 2005+. There really weren't any particularly good ways to do it in SQL 2000.

    Here's a good post on the different ways this is normally accomplished, you can pick your poison.


    Seth Phelabaum

    Consistency is only a virtue if you're not a screwup. 😉

    Links: How to Post Sample Data[/url] :: Running Totals[/url] :: Tally Table[/url] :: Cross Tabs/Pivots[/url] :: String Concatenation[/url]