• Altough I was making fun of the cartoon I'll reply to you message in all seriousness.

    1. Is it feasible to have a disaster recovery?

    While you might not be able to protect agaist everything there are reasonable precautions that should be taken.

    2. What if we lose all the digital things we have about our company?

    There is more money in the world than there is hard currency. If you are in the finacial side of things the data is the reality.

    3. Do we have hard copy of our business data?

    See point 2 above. Then you should see an office where a hurricane has hit. Happened to one of my customers. The electronic records came back in a few days when the power came back. The paper trail took over two months to reconstruct.

    Fire is a reality. It can take out your hard copy and your data at the same time.

    ATBCharles Kincaid