• I quickly read the article and ran no tests myself, but if all this code is only used to quickly fill a table with numbers then I am perplexed about the complexity as well as the amount of code. We all have seen so many 5 line SQL code solutions that do the same, be it only for tally table generation.

    If the code is to dynamically generate a list of numbers in a desired range for immediate use in another statement I still find the code rather complex and would like to see comparisons with dozens of other tally solutions that can be found on this site. We all know by now that recursion is not the tool to use for this and to compare it with that doesn’t say much to me.

    Don't take this the wrong way, but can you clarify to me what the exact intended use is and if you did compare it with similar solutions that are not rooted in recursion? I can see the range and order aspect as something novel compared to pure tally functions, but a function that simply reads a tally table could do the same in a single statment by using some basic math.

    What required the many staged approach you took?