• Here is another series of tests showing the difference in performance of inline code vs. scalar UDFs.

    Demo Performance Penalty of User Defined Functions


    The functions in the following links have the best available methods I could find that work for the maximum possible datetime ranges for finding start of time periods, and the last day of time periods. Most can be converted to be run as inline code.

    Finding the Start of Time Periods

    One of the most common questions is how to remove the time from a datetime so that you end up with just a date. In other words, change 2006/12/13 02:33:48.347 to 2006/12/13 00:00:00.000. The following links have functions that will find the start of Century, Decade, Year, Quarter, Month, Week, Day, Hour, 30 Minutes, 20 Minutes, 15 Minutes, 10 Minutes , 5 Minutes , x number of Minutes ,Minute , or Second.

    Start of Time Period Functions:


    Start of Week Function:


    Finding the End of Time Periods

    Sometimes there is a need to find the last day of a time period. The following links have functions that will find the last day of Century, Decade, Year, Quarter, Month, or Week.

    End Date of Time Period Functions:


    End of Week Function:


    For a collection of other links related to datetime in SQL Server, see this:

    Date/Time Info and Script Links
