• Hi,

    please check if the following code will help you to get the expected results.


    Since there are no table definitions nor any sample data the code below is completely untested and should be only used a something to start with on your test system. Therefore, it does not contain any data modifaction.

    SET @SQLStatement =

    'SELECT AuditData.*, ''CallType=12'', ''TATCallUnit=1''

    from ' + @TABLE + ' AuditData

    inner join AuditMaster am on am.ID=AuditData.AuditMaster_ID

    inner join HomeCircleMaster hcm on hcm.Ori_CircleMaster_ID=am.CircleMaster_ID

    and hcm.Ori_ServiceTypeMaster_ID=1

    and hcm.Dest_ServiceTypeMaster_ID=1

    inner join AuditTaggingMaster atm on atm.AuditMaster_ID=am.ID

    inner join NoSeriesMaster ns on (ns.CircleMaster_ID=am.CircleMaster_ID

    or ns.CircleMaster_ID=hcm.Dest_CircleMaster_ID)

    and ns.ProviderMaster_ID=am.ProviderMaster_ID

    and ns.ServiceTypeMaster_ID=1

    inner join ProviderMaster_CallTypeMaster pm_ctm on pm_ctm.ProviderMaster_ID=am.ProviderMaster_ID

    and pm_ctm.CallTypeMaster_ID=101

    and pm_ctm.CallTypeTagValue=AuditData.CallTypeTag

    INNER JOIN NoSeriesMaster_Prefix nsp

    ON nsp.PrefixNo = substring(AuditData.CallTo,1,convert(int,PrefixLen))

    AND nsp.PrefixType=''SMS''

    and len(AuditData.CallTo) = convert(varchar(10),convert(int,nsp.PrefixLen)+convert(int,nsp.AfterPrefixLen))

    where AuditData.TATCallType is null

    and nsp.PrefixNo + ns.NoSeries = Left(AuditData.CallTo,len(ns.NoSeries)+convert(int,PrefixLen))

    and AuditData.AuditMaster_ID=' +@AuditMasterID + ''


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