• I liked the code sample. I cleand it up by removing unused/unneeded variables, unneeded columns and tightend up on the error and loopin logic. Hope you approve of the updates.

    set nocount on;


    @cmd nvarchar(130)

    , @drive char(1)

    , @freeMb int

    , @hResult int

    , @hWnd int

    , @MB int

    , @oDrive int

    , @totalSize bigint

    declare @drives table

    ( Drive char(1) not null primary key

    , FreeMb int not null

    , TotalMb int not null default (0)


    -- initialize the variables

    set @drive = '';

    set @MB = 1048576; -- conversion ratio for bytes to megabytes

    -- collect the attached Drives and FreeSpace

    insert @drives(Drive, FreeMb) exec master.dbo.xp_fixeddrives ;

    -- build the command to allow the creation/use of the FileSystemObject...

    set @cmd = '

    exec sp_configure ''show advanced options'', 1;


    exec sp_configure ''Ole Automation Procedures'', 1;


    exec sp_executeSql @cmd;

    -- create the FileSystemObject

    exec @hResult = sp_OACreate 'Scripting.FileSystemObject', @hWnd out;

    -- proceed if sucessful creating the OLE Object...

    if @hResult = 0


    -- loop thru the drives and retrieve the total size...

    while exists ( select top 1 * from @drives

    where Drive > @drive )


    -- retrieve the next available drive...

    select top 1

    @drive = Drive

    , @freeMb = FreeMb

    from @drives

    where Drive > @drive

    order by Drive;

    -- get the Drive object and then read the TotalSize (in bytes) property

    exec @hResult = sp_OAMethod @hWnd, 'GetDrive', @oDrive out, @drive;

    exec @hResult = sp_OAGetProperty @oDrive, 'TotalSize', @totalSize out;

    -- update the drive...

    update @drives

    set TotalMb = @totalSize / @MB

    where Drive = @drive;


    -- destroy the FileSystemObject object...

    exec sp_OADestroy @hWnd;

    -- return the results...

    select Drive

    , MbTotal

    , MbFree

    , convert(decimal(4,1), (MbFree / convert(float, MbTotal,0)) * 100, 0)) as PercentFree

    from @drives

    order by Drive;


    -- disable OLE Automation...

    set @cmd = '

    exec sp_configure ''Ole Automation Procedures'', 0;


    exec sp_configure ''show advanced options'', 0;


    exec sp_executeSql @cmd;

    return @@error;

    --Paul Hunter