• Declare @STR varchar(5)

    select @STR = ''

    select @STR = @STR + no from mystring

    step 1: '' + '1'

    step 2: '1' + '2'

    step 3: '12' + '3'

    step 4: '123' + '4'

    step 5: '1234' + '5'

    so if i apply ((N^2) + N)/2 formula

    N = 5


    5^2 = 5*5 = 25

    25+5 = 30/2 = 15. Right?

    O(n) operation where n = Len(A$)+Len(B$).

    so '1' + '2' is an O(n) operation.

    O(n^2) problem is

    1) Time to concatenate the string

    2) Space claimed by the variables

    3) Resource taken to do the above two operation
