Home Forums SQL Server 7,2000 T-SQL tsql can not find procedure xp_delete_file from procedure RE: tsql can not find procedure xp_delete_file from procedure

  • cchart3 (4/6/2009)

    I built a simple procedure below to learn more tsql. The output of the print statement produces the correct output. I can take the output of the print statemenet and it executes in the same query window and it works properly. I even tried running this as a job that executes as "sa" and received the same error. This is written in SQL Server 2008.

    create proc [dbo].[sp_delete_old_files] @backupDir varchar(50),

    @exttype varchar(3)


    declare @olddate varchar(19)

    declare @deletefiles varchar(100)


    set @olddate = CONVERT(VARCHAR, GetDate() - 1,126)

    set @deletefiles = 'master.dbo.xp_delete_file 0,N''' + @backupDir +

    ''',N''' + @exttype + ''',N''' + @olddate + ''',1'

    print @deletefiles

    exec @deletefiles


    run this command

    exec sp_delete_old_files 'c:\testfolder', 'txt'

    get this output and error

    master.dbo.xp_delete_file 0,N'c:\testfolder',N'txt',N'2009-04-05T12:53:54',1

    Msg 2812, Level 16, State 62, Procedure sp_delete_old_files, Line 14

    Could not find stored procedure 'master.dbo.xp_delete_file 0,N'c:\testfolder',N'txt',N'2009-04-05T12:53:54',1'

    Try this:

    exec (@deletefiles)