• Maybe I am known to some of you to have a deep passion for arguments and a temper to match in the threads I participate in. However there are times when I feel things become too personal and out of control, I just stop then and there and don't look back.

    Forums have a way of sharpening the tonge and it definatly is not like face to face talk in real life. Also it is quite easy to misinterpreted what someone is trying to convey to you when you are reading a post. This is not particular anyones fault but it helps to keep in mind the mechanics of it all and act accordingly. Assume the other is not out to redicule you, and you be right 99% of the time.

    And as pointed out, a well writen post takes tons of free time. And why would someone spend so much free time just to bring it to your face? It would not make any sense at all if that was what motivates people. Just the fact people take time for you to respond and and participate in your thread should be valued highly.

    And with this in mind respect is in order.