• A lot of people who aren't in unions today seem to have forgotten (or never taken) history lessons regarding about how and why unions came about. Even without unions now, we would not have the vacations we do have, maybe the pay we do have, certainly the 8 hour day, without the unions that many of our grandparents and great grandparents (and maybe even parents) belong to before us.

    Does that mean I think unions are the greatest thing since sliced cheese? Not necessarily, but sometimes one does need a group structure to make sure that businesses don't take advantage of their employees (which I often think happens more than we admit in the IT industry).

    But going back to the topic at hand, my one preference would be a prohibition on being on call when you are on vacation, taking personal time, etc. That, and maybe not being required to give your cell phone number so you can be reached anytime, anywhere.