• Chad Crawford (2/27/2009)

    Gaby Abed (2/27/2009)

    How many rows would this return? 🙂 (yes...it's different)

    use AdventureWorks


    declare @tableA TABLE(col1 int, col2 int)


    --stmt 1

    select name from tempdb.sys.tables where name like '%tableA%'

    --stmt 2

    select name from tempdb.sys.columns where name like 'col1%'

    I must admit - you TOTALLY had me... I was sitting here going "what??!?!", nothing is different! I even pasted the selects next to each other to make sure they were the same and hadn't changed. So why the different results?

    I guess you can tell me "where to go". 😀

    GOT ME!


    Yeah, that second go screws you up with table variables. I usually use table variables for very short routines, but they are limited. First in persistence where that second go gets rid of it. The other is that a query similar to this will fail:

    insert into @someTableVariable

    exec someStoredProcecdure

    This to me more than anything is the biggest limitation of a table variable. You can't capture values from a stored proc into it.

    Gaby________________________________________________________________"In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they are not." - Albert Einstein