• Dennis Stephani (1/2/2009)

    Also try the following code. We had some issues where our tape backup system missed archiving some DB backup files so I scheduled the following code to check for files with the "archive" bit set. I cut this code out of a larger set of code and didn't test it -so I may have missed a chunk, but you get the picture. In the larger picture, this process would send an e-mail to the DBA team if anything wasn't archived (any results in #hb_backups).

    P.S. Our server admin team switched to Tivoli backup system about 18 months ago which rendered this check useless (Tivoli doesn't change the archive bit flag).

    P.P.S. We've since disabled the use of "xp_cmdshell" for security reasons - so this code would no longer work anyway.

    create table #hb_backups

    ( database_name nvarchar(128),

    backup_type char(1),

    backup_start_date datetime,

    backup_finish_date datetime,

    backup_file_name nvarchar(200),

    physical_name nvarchar(1000)


    set nocount on

    declare @database_name nvarchar(128), @backup_type char(1), @backup_start_date datetime, @backup_finish_date datetime, @physical_name nvarchar(260)

    declare backup_cur cursor for

    select mf.physical_device_name, s.type, s.database_name, s.backup_start_date, s.backup_finish_date

    from msdb.dbo.backupmediafamily mf inner join msdb.dbo.backupset s on mf.media_set_id = s.media_set_id

    where s.backup_start_date > (getdate() - 3)

    open backup_cur

    fetch next from backup_cur into @physical_name, @backup_type, @database_name, @backup_start_date, @backup_finish_date

    while @@fetch_status = 0


    insert into #hb_backups (physical_name)

    exec ('exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell ''dir "' + @physical_name + '" /a:a /b''')

    delete from #hb_backups where physical_name is null or physical_name in('File Not Found')

    update #hb_backups set

    database_name = @database_name,

    backup_type = @backup_type,

    backup_start_date = @backup_start_date,

    backup_finish_date = @backup_finish_date,

    backup_file_name = @physical_name

    where database_name is null

    fetch next from backup_cur into @physical_name, @backup_type, @database_name, @backup_start_date, @backup_finish_date


    close backup_cur

    deallocate backup_cur

    Good point...I also thought about using the dir /a:a option which would have also helped me avoid another awkward table manipulation scenario.

    As for xp_cmdshell, as much as I'd love to get rid of that, we have too many legacy systems that potentially use the feature. We have a third party program backing up to the local drive (in our case Litespeed) and a third party archiving it. A short cut is to keep only one backup stored locally, the most recent one, and damn the archiving. Hopefully the archive will have finished in time. I guess the archive bit option is for people like me who are truly paranoid. 😀

    Gaby________________________________________________________________"In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they are not." - Albert Einstein