• Hi Andy,

    Great Article. Very thorough and informative.

    When I create a publication, I use the default settings (CALL for INSERT and DELETE and SCALL for UPDATE), and as expected I get these 3 procedures, as described in your article:




    However, in addition, unexpectedly I get two more procedures:



    Basically, it's just an extra insert and an extra delete procedure with msrepl_ccs appended to the end of the names.

    The difference in the delete procedure is that it does not post the error if the rowcount is 0. The difference in the insert procedure is that it checks to see if a record exists with the same pk, and if one does, it will update that record (instead of doing an insert that would ultimately fail).

    I don't believe these procedures are being called by anything. It seems as though they are just there. The only reason I can think of is that if someone wants that type of behavior, they can simply change the properties of the article to call those procs instead of the other ones.

    I haven't seen any documentation on it, and you didn't mention it in your article.

    Do you have any explanation for why these procedures are being created? Do you know of any way to prevent them from being created? (if they are not being used, then they are just cluttering up the list of stored procedures).