Home Forums SQL Server 7,2000 T-SQL Multiple select statements from multiple tables in the one select query for one row. RE: Multiple select statements from multiple tables in the one select query for one row.

  • Ron (7/18/2008)

    select i.itemname from item i where i.item_id = 12 and p.pagename like '10_001%'

    Ron, the first of your four queries work fine with the data you provided, but the fourth only names one table, "item", in the FROM clause, but there are two aliases. I could assume the "p" alias means item_process, but then there is no column called "pagename". Did you mean p.item_page? Also, a good way to post your tables and data are like below. Often, questions go unanswered because they require work on the part of the people trying to help. But it is Friday, so what the heck?

    --Create the tables

    IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#item','u') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #item


    CREATE TABLE #item


    item_id INT,

    item_name VARCHAR(30)

    PRIMARY KEY(item_id)


    IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#item_process','u') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #item_process


    CREATE TABLE #item_process


    item_id INT,

    item_page VARCHAR(20),

    process1status INT,

    process2status INT


    IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#item_trans','u') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #item_trans


    CREATE TABLE #item_trans


    item_id INT,

    item_page VARCHAR(20),

    transstatus INT


    --Populate them

    INSERT INTO #item

    SELECT 12,'My_book' UNION ALL

    SELECT 15,'Another_book'

    INSERT INTO #item_process

    SELECT 12,'10_001',0,2 UNION ALL

    SELECT 12,'10_002',2,0

    INSERT INTO #item_trans

    SELECT 12,'10_001',0 UNION ALL

    SELECT 12,'10_002',1 UNION ALL

    SELECT 12,'10_003',2

    The glass is at one half capacity: nothing more, nothing less.