• benjamin.nelson06 (5/13/2008)

    Very interesting as I have been working on doing a similar thing now for a few days. However I needed a Grand Total Column and a Grand Total Row for reporting purposes. I also did not know what the PivotValues would be therefore this all had to be done with dynamic SQL. I too created a temporary table in order to store the data before I pivoted the data. Here is how I did it (Please excuse the smiley's as they automatically were added. where you see a smily it's just a close paren.)

    --Get the Pivot Columns by querying the distinct [Month]& Year values from the query

    Declare @PivotValues as VARCHAR(8000)

    Declare @PivotSum as VARCHAR(8000)

    Declare @PivotTotal as VARCHAR(8000)

    Declare @PivotTypes as VARCHAR(8000)

    Declare @MonthYear as VARCHAR(25)

    Declare @EDATEMM as INT

    Declare @Year as INT

    --Loop over the @YearMonth CURSOR table to build our PivotField Values

    DECLARE YearMonth_cursor CURSOR FOR

    SELECT DISTINCT dbo.MonthMst.[Month] + '-' + CAST(Year([EDATE]) as varchar(4)), EDATEMM, Year([EDATE])

    FROM dbo.MonthMst INNER JOIN

    @MasterSubset AS MS ON dbo.MonthMst.cLngMonthCode = MS.EDATEMM

    Order By Year([EDATE]), EDATEMM

    OPEN YearMonth_cursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM YearMonth_cursor

    INTO @MonthYear, @EDATEMM, @Year



    --Build the PivotValues to be used in forming the Pivot Statement

    If COALESCE(@PivotValues, '') = ''

    SET @PivotValues = '[' + @MonthYear + ']'


    SET @PivotValues = @PivotValues + ',[' + @MonthYear + ']'

    --Build the PivotTotal for use in forming the Grand Total Column

    If COALESCE(@PivotTotal, '') = ''

    SET @PivotTotal = 'COALESCE([' + @MonthYear + '],0)'


    SET @PivotTotal = @PivotTotal + ' + COALESCE([' + @MonthYear + '],0)'

    --Build the PivotSum for use in forming the Grand Total Row

    If COALESCE(@PivotSum, '') = ''

    SET @PivotSum = 'SUM(COALESCE([' + @MonthYear + '],0))'


    SET @PivotSum = @PivotSum + ', SUM(COALESCE([' + @MonthYear + '],0))'

    --Build the PivotTypes for use in declaring a Table Variable

    If COALESCE(@PivotTypes, '') = ''

    SET @PivotTypes = '[' + @MonthYear + '] INT NULL'


    SET @PivotTypes = @PivotTypes + ', [' + @MonthYear + '] INT NULL'

    -- Get the next YearMonth.

    FETCH NEXT FROM YearMonth_cursor

    INTO @MonthYear, @EDATEMM, @Year


    --Add the Grand Total Column to the PivotValues

    --This keeps us from having to modify the Structure in order to add

    --The Grand Total column

    set @PivotValues = @PivotValues + ',[Grand Total]'

    --We will need to SUM the Grand Total Column in order to build the last value Grand Total


    set @PivotSum = @PivotSum + ', SUM([Grand Total])'

    --Add the Grand Total column to our PivotTypes as this needs to be a column in our Table Variable

    set @PivotTypes = @PivotTypes + ',[Grand Total] INT NULL'

    CLOSE YearMonth_cursor

    DEALLOCATE YearMonth_cursor


    --Stuff our Data into a Temporary table

    --to be used in the dynamic SQL below

    Select [Month] + '-' + CAST([Year] as varchar(4)) AS MonthYear, GroupCol1, GroupCol2, GroupCol3, AggregatCol

    INTO #PivotData


    (Select Month, Year, GroupCol1, GroupCol2, GroupCol3, AggregatCol From DataTable) as DT

    --Now here was the tricky part. Since I didn't know what my pivot columns would be I needed

    --to build dynamic SQL however I couldn't figure out how to get the data to return properly. So

    --I basically created a dynamic stored proc without actually creating a stored proc.

    SET @SQL = 'DECLARE @PivotTable1 TABLE( GroupCol1 varchar(50) NOT NULL,

    GroupCol2 varchar(20) NOT NULL,

    GroupCol3 varchar(20) NOT NULL,

    ' + @PivotTypes + ');

    INSERT INTO @PivotTable1 (GroupCol1, GroupCol2, GroupCol3, ' + @PivotValues + ' )

    Select GroupCol1, GroupCol2, GroupCol3, ' + @PivotValues + '


    (Select GroupCol1, GroupCol2, GroupCol3, ' + @PivotValues + '



    Select MonthYear,GroupCol1,GroupCol2,

    GroupCol3, AggregateCol

    from #PivotData

    ) As Source




    FOR MONTHYEAR IN (' + @PivotValues + ')

    ) As PivotTable) As PT;

    Update @PivotTable1 Set [Grand Total] = ' + @PivotTotal +

    '; Insert Into @PivotTable1 (GroupCol1, GroupCol2, GroupCol3, ' + @PivotValues + ')

    Select ''Grand Total'', '''', '''', ' + @PivotSum + ' From @PivotTable1;

    Select * From @PivotTable1;'

    Exec sp_executesql @sql

    Drop Table #PivotData

    And here are the results:

    GroupCol1 GroupCol2 GroupCol3 January-2007 February-2007 Grand Total


    GroupValue1 Group2Value1 Group3Value1 391 356 747

    GroupValue2 Group2Value2 Group3Value1 356 419 775

    GroupValue3 Group2Value3 Group3Value1 181 181 362

    Grand Total 928 956 1884

    Post the table CREATE statements and some sample data according to the URL in my signature... you'll be surprised at how many will give you a working code example in return... 😉

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)