• hmmm, yes based on that i have come up with a simple sub-select approach:

    select * from SELECT DailyMileageID, MileageAtStartOfShift, MileageAtEndOfShift, MileageAtEndOfShift - MileageAtStartOfShift AS DayMileage, MileageAtEndOfShift -

    (SELECT MileageAtStartOfShift

    FROM dbo.DailyMileages AS I

    WHERE (DailyMileageID = b.DailyMileageID + 1)) AS NightMileage, ShopID, DateEntered

    FROM dbo.DailyMileages AS b

    which works, but i am a little bothered about performance, but yes, thanks for the tip :

    next task... convince this company to upgrade their sql server 😀

    Knock Knock, Who's There?, sp underscore, sp underscore who?
    spid1, spid2, spid3....