Home Forums SQL Server 7,2000 T-SQL Using WAITFOR and PRINT in a loop does not show any result RE: Using WAITFOR and PRINT in a loop does not show any result

  • The previous poster is correct about using RAISERROR as opposed to PRINT to eliminate output queing, however, RAISERROR has a feature that my cause you problems if you are not aware of it. The output string uses a format similar to the C printf function in that it supports % format strings. If you don't escape your use of % signs the RAISERROR call will fail. You can do this by doubling up all % signs in your original string before outputing it.

    The following will fail...

    Declare @Msg VarChar(8000)

    Set @Msg='''%'' is an invalid input.'

    RaisError(@Msg,0,1) with nowait

    Corrected version...

    Declare @Msg VarChar(8000)

    Set @Msg='''%'' is an invalid input.'

    Set @Msg=Replace(@Msg,'%','%%')

    RaisError(@Msg,0,1) with nowait

    You could write an OUTPUT procedure to handle these details for you...

    I have CDO. It's like OCD but all the letters are in alphabetical order... as they should be.