Home Forums SQL Server 7,2000 T-SQL select [Employee_ID] = EmpID from dbo.Employee GROUP BY [Employee_ID] RE: select [Employee_ID] = EmpID from dbo.Employee GROUP BY [Employee_ID]

  • Hi Matt,

    I have some other factors involved in the query to use the alias and below is my original query and how would I resolve the problem with a subquery field? Please advise. Thanks.

    select [ASSGNID] = (select ASSGNID from MaintDB..Project (nolock)

    where pcode = '11224DER'),

    [COUNTRY] = upper(c.FullName),

    [Branch NUMBER] = s.Branchno,

    [RECORD ID] = d.uid,

    [INITIALS] = d.initials,

    [DOB] = Customer.dbo.function_DateFormat(d.dob,'mdy','',0),

    [EXAMNUM] = d.Custid,

    [EXAMDATE] = Customer.dbo.function_DateFormat(v1.Datevisited,'mdy','',0),

    [ENTRY] = r.ENTRYno,

    [ENTRYDATE] = Customer.dbo.function_DateFormat(v2.Datevisited,'mdy','',0),


    [EXAMFAILDATE] = Customer.dbo.function_DateFormat(v3.Datevisited,'mdy','',0),


    [EARLYTERMDATE] = Customer.dbo.function_DateFormat(v4.Datevisited,'mdy','',0),

    [VISITRECID] = 'LQ1' + cast(v.VID as nvarchar),

    [VISITNAME] = rv.VisitCode,

    [VISITCOMPDATE] = Customer.dbo.function_DateFormat(v.Datevisited,'mdy','',0)


    Customer.dbo.Customer_Geo d (nolock) inner join

    MaintDB.dbo.Branch s (nolock) on d.Siteid = s.BranchID inner join

    MaintDB.dbo.country c (nolock) on s.countryid = c.CountryID left join

    Customer.dbo.Customer_ROW r (nolock) on d.Custid = r.Custid left join

    (select * from Customer.dbo.Customer_Visited (nolock) where ID_Visit = 1) as v1

    on d.Custid = v1.Custid left join

    (select * from Customer.dbo.Customer_Visited (nolock) where ID_Visit = 3) as v2

    on d.Custid = v2.Custid left join

    (select * from Customer.dbo.Customer_Visited (nolock) where ID_Visit = 20) as v3

    on d.Custid = v3.Custid left join

    (select * from Customer.dbo.Customer_Visited (nolock) where ID_Visit = 21) as v4

    on d.Custid = v4.Custid left join

    Customer.dbo.Customer_Visited v (nolock) on d.Custid = v.Custid left join

    Customer.dbo.Customer_Type rv (nolock) on v.ID_Visit = rv.ID_Visit

    order by S.Branchno,d.Custid, v.VID