• Why use UPDATE at all? Or use a function? This is possible to do in a single query.

    And still have some options to include or exclude "non-valid" members!

    SELECTCASE WHEN u.theIndex = 0 THEN u.StaffName ELSE '' END AS StaffName,

    MAX(CASE WHEN u.ReviewDate LIKE '2006%' THEN u.ReviewDate ELSE '' END) AS [2006_Dates],

    MAX(CASE WHEN u.ReviewDate LIKE '2007%' THEN u.ReviewDate ELSE '' END) AS [2007_Dates],

    MAX(CASE WHEN u.ReviewDate LIKE '2008%' THEN u.ReviewDate ELSE '' END) AS [2008_Dates]



    CONVERT(CHAR(10), t1.ReviewDate, 120) AS ReviewDate,



    FROM#TestData AS t2

    WHEREt2.StaffName = t1.StaffName

    AND YEAR(t2.ReviewDate) = YEAR(t1.ReviewDate)

    AND t2.ReviewDate < t1.ReviewDate

    AND t2.ReviewDate >= '20060101'

    AND t2.ReviewDate < '20090101'

    ) AS theIndex

    FROM#TestData AS t1

    /* Remove this comment to only display staff who has dates in valid range

    WHEREt1.ReviewDate >= '20060101'

    AND t1.ReviewDate < '20090101'


    ) AS u

    GROUP BYu.StaffName,


    ORDER BYu.StaffName,

    u.theIndexYou have also the option to change AND t2.ReviewDate < t1.ReviewDate to AND t2.ReviewDate > t1.ReviewDate if you want the dates sorted ascending instead.

    N 56°04'39.16"
    E 12°55'05.25"