Home Forums SQL Server 7,2000 T-SQL Urgent! - How to extract number from a string RE: Urgent! - How to extract number from a string

  • How about this. Might be a bit long winded though. This will pull out 742.0 of the following strings

    'On 742.0 Evergreen Terrace'

    'The number is at the end 742.0'

    ' 742.0 Evergreen Terrace 1234'

    It only picks up the first full number it comes across and then exits the loops. Though if your using null values you may have to play with it.

    declare @STR varchar(100)

    declare @Tmp varchar(1)

    declare @numstr varchar(100)

    declare @count int

    declare @fndnum binary

    select @STR=' 742.0 Evergreen Terrace'

    select @count=1,@fndnum=0,@numstr=''

    while @fndnum=0


    select @Tmp=right(left(@str,@count),1)

    print @Tmp

    select @count=@count+1

    if isnumeric(@tmp)=1

    while isnumeric(@tmp)=1


    select @numstr=@numstr+@tmp

    select @Tmp=right(left(@str,@count),1)

    print @numstr

    select @count=@count+1

    select @fndnum=1


    if @count>len(@str) set @fndnum=1


    select 'I have found the number of ' + @numstr

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