• Here's what I think is a little upgrade to #6. This sp reduces human interaction to 1 step, but completes the entire search before showing you the results... so pick your poison

    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_SearchTables] (

    @TextPart varchar(1000)



    set nocount on

    DECLARE @data table (

    ind int identity(1,1),

    query varchar(1000)


    DECLARE @count int

    DECLARE @iRow int

    DECLARE @sql varchar(1000)

    CREATE table #output (

    Context varchar(255) null,

    ColumnName varchar(255) null,

    TableName varchar(255) null


    INSERT INTO @data

    select 'IF EXISTS(select [' + c.name + '] from [' + o.name

    + '] where [' + c.name + '] like ''%' + @TextPart + '%'')' + CHAR(13) +

    'insert into #output '

    +' select ' + c.name +',''' + c.name + ''',''' + o.name +''' from ' + o.name + ' where '

    + c.name + ' like ''%' + @TextPart + '%''' + CHAR(13) + CHAR(13)

    from syscolumns c

    inner join systypes t on t.xtype=c.xtype

    inner join sysobjects o on o.id = c.id

    where o.type = 'u' and c.id > 500 and t.name in ('varchar', 'char')

    order by 1

    SET @count = @@ROWCOUNT

    SET @iRow = 1

    WHILE @iRow <= @count


    select @sql = query from @data where ind = @iRow


    SET @iRow = @iRow + 1


    select * from #output

    drop table #output