• Sounds like you did a great job. And if they didn't agree, then they could have discussed it!

    You made some of the points i was going to make.

    In todays climate 'being helpful' is usually a bad thing. It has to do with the nature of offering. If they express interest and you help them then thats great. If you offer, and you are not a good team with trust and communication, then it can be taken many different ways. And you have no way of knowing how they will take it. They could take it as 'they must think they know more than me', 'they must think i am stupid', 'they are making me look bad', etc...!

    However if you help them when they ask for it then you will get more respect and they will start trusting you more. Just the nature of things. This is true for most people. Even some of the people posting.

    To make it more of a technical post perhaps you could have included an example of what you did.