• I have read the comments by some advocating less or little to no documentation and I do understand why you feel the way you do but that type of mentality is the wrong type in development.  There is no such thing as implied or understood code with anything but the simplest of processes.  If you have to choose between providing to little information and too much you should always err on the side of too much.  Why?  Because when you either document very little or none at all you provide the person that comes after you with no options at all but to guess at what your code does or means.  And even in the case of self-evident code it can be easier and a lot quicker to read a quick note from the code's author then to try and go thru their code and decipher what the intent is.  Take the case of complex SQL queries which any DB app uses.  If you opt to not explain what the query returns and what logic it uses to determine the result set as well as how the criteria work then not only are you placing a burden on those that follow you but you also do your customers and your co-wrkers a grave injustice.  As one who works in support and also does some development I can tell you that clients do not like it when we can't explain to them how for example a report works because the reports author didn't bother documenting it.   And no you can't just assume that the person(s) who review your code will understand it the way you did.  That works only in an ideal world where everyone thinks alike. 

    If you are too lazy to document your work then for the benefit of the rest of us please find something else to do.  As a support tech you are the worse kind of nightmare.  Not only are we unable to explain to our clients/users why something works the way it does or doesn't work the way they think it should but you also give the rest of develpment a bad name.  When enough of you do this kind of thing it makes everyone look like as if they are either too lazy to document their work or worse they don't document their work because they are not confident or perhaps even competent in their abilities.  After all if you don't document your code it's very difficult for some one to say it doesn't work because there's nothing from you in writing indicating how it's suppose to work. 

    Kindest Regards,

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