• A disagree only ate the trigger cannot be nested afirmation, from BOL:

    Nested Triggers

    Triggers can be nested to a maximum of 32 levels. If a trigger changes a table on which there is another trigger, the second trigger is activated and can then call a third trigger, and so on. If any trigger in the chain sets off an infinite loop, the nesting level is exceeded and the trigger is canceled. To disable nested triggers, set the nested triggers option of sp_configure to 0 (off). The default configuration allows nested triggers. If nested triggers is off, recursive triggers is also disabled, regardless of the recursive triggers setting of sp_dboption.

    Of course the order off creation is yet unimportant.

    Apart this minor disagrement the article is excellent. Customers db update madness is a major issue at my actual job and I´m spreading this article to my coleagues. I hope this can generate a productive discussion between us (with a usefull and robust final application as result).


    Jean C. Bulinckx

    Soft. Eng.
