• On this topic, I agree with the concerns raised about "blanket refreshes", yet I do see the value of regular, simple refreshes. With that in mind, I did the following pretty soon after I arrived at my new company. Feel free to comment on it (the more I hear, the more I learn )

    I proposed, and created, a "staging" server. This lives in the production world, and has very restricted access. The staging process follows the following simple paradigm, and does it on a daily basis:

    1> receive production backups (Production Backups jobs last step is to copy nightly full backup file to specific location).

    2> Restore backup

    3> scrub all sensitive, private and security data (a seperate exercise that was done before we did the staging server, was to review the existing "scrubbing" process)

    4> remove production users from databases

    5> shrink logs

    6> create new "scrubbed" backup in a date based folder

    7> email success/failure

    What we have the the "server" (a 35 step SQL Server Agent job) creating these scrubbed backups on a daily basis (35 databases, totalling +- 55 GB of databases and 55 GB of source backups). The process above takes 1h45 (and does a few extra's like taking a monthly backup and pushing it to a special directory so we can re-create month-end, and a annual directory as well). We kepp 2 days worth, so at any point in time, we have yesterdays full set, todays full set, last month ends full set and last years year-end full set.

    We then have "client" jobs (SQL Server Agent jobs) on each of our development and test and training servers (we have 4 dev boxes, and 4 test boxes and 1 training box - 2 dev and 2 test boxes in a development stream, and 2 dev and 2 test boxes in a produciton support stream). These jobs fetch the backups from the date based folder, and restore the backups, apply environment specific settings and scrub's (like resetting emails to dev2@somewhere.outthere), adding environments users, and email success/failure. This can take anywhere betwenn 2 and 5 hours (given the different box specifications).

    Typically our production support stream will have weekly refreshes (on a sunday), but they can, and have, gone through periods where nightly refreshes - expecially the first week after a new production rollout.

    Development stream will typically get a refresh the first week of a new release, as does training.

    Of course, any client an have an ad hoc refresh run as and when required, but the agent gives us the ability to make use of "down time" during the night (unless we are all working late, AGAIN ).

    Hmm - anything else to add? Oh yes - this might sound expensive - all these different servers etc.? Not really (relatively speaking), since all our dev and test and training and staging servers are all PC's, using IDE harddrives. Yes, that's unfortunate, since we cann get proper etsimation of production performance etc. but the business is still a startup, and can't afford 4 x 8 processor clusters for dev and test.

    Thoughts, comments?