• Hi, thanks for this one!

    Mnd goal is to publish a content database from staging to live, safely, from an admin web page. The wrinkle is that the DB must remain alive on the web during the process ... I plan to modify the DSNs on the fly.

    One small point, when I use this in SQL 7 it returns an error "You can't kill your own process."

    This error was causing the calling DTS package to fail on this step.

    I simply added a clause to the SELECT of spids to exclude "@@SPID" which is the current process.

    SELECT spid

    FROM master.dbo.sysprocesses

    WHERE dbid =

    (SELECT dbid FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases

    WHERE name = @DatabaseName)

    AND spid <> @@SPID


    It worked fine and once again I appreciate the resource, I don't know much T-SQL ... I'm actually a web guy using Cold Fusion with SQL Server.

    - Jon