• Hi,
    IMO, tone does matter, we are all people ... All people deserve respect and dignity. It is true that some are more sensitive than others. I include myself in that. I don't see it as a fault, in fact it can be advantageous to be that way inclined because you tend to treat others better. However, if I were on the receiving end of such rudeness as you describe, I would have a frank discussion with the person concerned and how such behaviour affects my ability to work in a negative way.
    When I was learning to drive thirty-odd years ago, my driving instructor called be abusive names and ranted over every mistake I made. Now maybe in his experience some people did respond to that, I don't know, but it just made me worse and wound me up causing me to make more and more mistakes. I had a frank conversation about his behaviour and how it was affecting me and he changed his behaviour to so suit me. I passed my driving test first time after only 21 hours behind the wheel.
    The point I am making is that I would want to give the person an opportunity to change and become more effective as a result.