• i have a job scheduled on each server that contains a reportserver database that updates the job description with the report name, so it's much easier to track down that the job named "someguid" is actually SSRS Report Subscription: /Departments/Information Technology/Public/Some Technical Report

    that metadata to build the command is surprisingly simple:
         'UPDATE msdb.dbo.sysjobs set description = ''SSRS Report Subscription: '
         + e.path COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS + Char(13) + Char(10) + e.NAME COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS + ''' WHERE job_id = ''' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(40), b.job_id) + ''';' AS Fix
         FROM dbo.ReportSchedule a
           INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobs b
              ON CONVERT(VARCHAR(40), a.ScheduleID) = b.NAME
           INNER JOIN dbo.ReportSchedule c
              ON b.NAME = CONVERT(VARCHAR(40), c.ScheduleID)
           INNER JOIN dbo.Subscriptions d
              ON c.SubscriptionID = d.SubscriptionID
           INNER JOIN dbo.Catalog e
              ON d.report_oid = e.itemid


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