• Hello guys thanks for the reply!


    this chunk of code works fine


    INSERT INTO Father (Father_id, Father_name) values(-255,'No father')


    on isnull(s.father_id, -255)=f.father_id




    INSERT INTO Father (Father_id, Father_name) values(null,'No father')


    on s.father_id = f.father_id


    don´t work at all, no childs without father is show.

    At the other hand i canot change the row

    INSERT INTO Son values(null,'Child 0X of no father')  


    INSERT INTO Son values(-255,'Child 0X of no father')  

    because at my realworld problem that table contains millions of rows with null values and dont want change my old data.


    At my problem Father_id is a IDENTITY column and cannot be nullable.


    It´s just a example from real problem. Of course u can find yourself in a bit different dilema. I´m happy to share my solution and to learn from yours replys.

