• I have worked in several industries mostlt as a developer but sometimes in a dual role developer/DBA situation (accidental DBA). I have been in the environmental lab industry, supply chain, internet research, asset maintenance & reliability and briefly touched other industries while contracting.

    I have always found the work I did in the environmental laboratory industry to be the most interesting. I spent time developing and managing LIMS functionality, integrating with instrumentation and building calculation algorithms with languages that made it challenging. There is so much data in this field coming from instrumentation or manual entry and being reported in numerous different ways that things never got boring.

    If I had an opportunity I would strongly consider working for MLB or the New York Yankees. The issue is the commute to NYC from western New Haven county in Connecticut. I did it briefly for the job in internet research, but just did not like it. I would definitely consider sucking it up for a job with one those two organizations but once reality sets in, who knows. A strong third choice would be ESPN in Bristol.