• Andrew Kernodle (7/29/2014)

    As crazy as it seemed two hours ago, I might just give this a shot :-D. I'll see if I can meet with the .NET team for a month or two, gauge their interest, and see if they'd be willing to partner with me. No idea how things will play out from there, but it feels like it would be fun, not to mention a good learning experience as far as organization goes!

    Give it a few hours and see. Email Karla Landrum at PASS and get some feedback. Start small, make it simple. Some events go crazy, but you could get one room, 4 speakers, serve pizza, and make it fun for a group of people. Fundraising isn't that bad, and I bet you'd be surprised how much help you get from people.

    Getting a space is the hardest part. You get that, the rest can be very simple and easy.