• Ok, cool πŸ™‚ . You don't need to pause log-shipping, you just need to get your network/systems guys to make sure they change the settings in Veeam (or whatever they're using) so that it does not truncate the log. I'm not an expert in this area but if you Google for things like 'log-shipping broken by Veeam' there are quite a few resources out there. Or see here, about half way down the page.

    Transaction Log Clearing?

    For databases that use the full or bulk_logged recovery models, transaction log clearing only occurs when the log is backed up using SQL Server native backup commands. The VSS backup will not cause log clearing to occur inside of SQL Server on it’s own. Some of the VM backup tools offer options to perform transaction log clearing, but you need to be very careful with these options, especially if you have concurrent SQL Server backups being performed for the VM. The way that certain tools clear the transaction log during a VM snapshot backup is to issue a subsequent command to the SQL Server, BACKUP LOG <database_name> TO DISK =’NUL’, which dumps the transaction log records to nowhere, essentially throwing them away completely and breaking the log backup chain for any native SQL Server backups being performed. If you are still using native SQL Server backups, it is recommended that the VM snapshot backups be configured to not truncate the transaction logs for the databases.