• aaron.reese (4/10/2014)

    +1 from me

    Phil, Gail and Koen are some of the most generous and helpful forum members on any board I visit and their opinions and advice have saved (or earned) me hundreds of pounds and weeks of work and their contribution is rarely recognised.

    In general this board is the most friendly and active technical forum I use with very little flaming and enduring patience for noobs. Creds go out to all the users. Other folks worthy of a mention here include Lynne Pettis and even Joe Celko (whom we love to hate)

    If any are going to SQL Bits in Telford, Shropshire in June, I would feel honoured to buy them a drink.


    :blush: Thank you for the kind words, I for one am humbled.

    As for being at SQL Bits, maybe one day but I will still be in Afghanistan in June. Please, drink one for me!