• Markus (1/2/2014)

    Michael Valentine Jones (1/2/2014)

    SQL Server 2014 In-Memory-OLTP Tables do not support identity columns or foreign keys, so that puts them well outside what I would be willing to accept for a normal application.

    They seem more like a marketing ploy, like federated databases, that were good for TCP benchmarks, but no one will use in the real world.

    They might be useful for a very small number of "special needs" applications.

    Wow... I did not know that. That will limit it's use.

    There are a number of other useful features that are not supported:

    check constraints, unique constraints, triggers, full-text indexes, updates to primary key columns, truncate table, alter table, create index, drop index, alter index, filtered indexes, nullable columns, etc.

    Transact-SQL Constructs Not Supported by In-Memory OLTP
