Home Forums SQL Server 2005 Administering Log Shipping Jobs on Secondary not getting created RE: Log Shipping Jobs on Secondary not getting created

  • Yes, the problem was change the servername.

    when select @@servername returns null, the jobs are not created.

    I had the same issue and after i have corrected the servername the jobs were created.

    @@Servername of null can happen if there is no entry in sys.servers for server_id 0. check sys.servers with this:

    select * from sys.servers

    steps to correct:

    sp_dropserver '<servername>' -- if exist a one with the correct servername but id different from 0

    sp_addserver '<servername', local

    restart service:

    source: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/sqlserver/en-US/f5405442-2ab9-4e9f-8688-2e8ce5dae853/servername-returning-null?forum=sqldatabaseengine