Home Forums SQL Server 2012 SQL Server 2012 - T-SQL How to return list of all courses for which a student meets all the prerequisites. RE: How to return list of all courses for which a student meets all the prerequisites.

  • Here's a small subset of the data... that's actually intelligible. Apologies for any SQL errors.

    CREATE TABLE #Course (

    CourseID CHAR(7),

    CONSTRAINT pkCourse PRIMARY KEY (CourseID));

    CREATE TABLE #Prereq (

    NextCourseID CHAR(7),

    RequiresCourseID CHAR(7),

    CONSTRAINT pkPrereq PRIMARY KEY (NextCourseID, RequiresCourseID)),

    FOREIGN KEY NextCourseID REFERENCES Course(CourseID),

    RequiresCOurseID REFERENCES Course(CourseID);

    INSERT INTO #Course (CourseID) VALUES ('503'); -- no prereqs

    INSERT INTO #Course (CourseID) VALUES ('601'); -- no prereqs

    INSERT INTO #Course (CourseID) VALUES ('605');

    INSERT INTO #Course (CourseID) VALUES ('608');

    INSERT INTO #Course (CourseID) VALUES ('620');

    INSERT INTO #Prereq (NextCourseID, RequiresCourseID) VALUES ('605','601');

    INSERT INTO #Prereq (NextCourseID, RequiresCourseID) VALUES ('605','503');

    INSERT INTO #Prereq (NextCourseID, RequiresCourseID) VALUES ('608','503');

    INSERT INTO #Prereq (NextCourseID, RequiresCourseID) VALUES ('620','605');

    INSERT INTO #Prereq (NextCourseID, RequiresCourseID) VALUES ('620','608');

    CREATE TABLE Grades (

    StudentID INT,

    CourseID CHAR(7),

    TermYear CHAR(7).


    PRIMARY KEY (StudentID, CourseID, TermYear),

    FOREIGN KEY StudentID REFERENCES Student(StudentID),

    CourseID REFERENCES Course(CourseID)


    So, to sanity check this...

    If a student has no courses completed, he may take 601 and 503.

    If a student has passed both 605 AND 608, he may enroll in 620. Having passed only one is not enough. This is where I am getting stuck.

    It would seem that I should be able to outer join Prereqs to Scores and filter out the fails and then if there are any unmatched records, the prerequisites are not met.


    FROM Prereqs P LEFT JOIN Scores S ON P.RequiresCourseID = S.CourseID

    WHERE Grade IS NULL OR Grade<2)

    but that doesn't take into account that a student could fail a course and then pass it on the retake...

    Ouch... I think I brained my damage!

    More later when I'm coherent...
