• SQLDCH (8/6/2013)

    Welcome back, Lynn, glad to see you're able to get online.

    I'll check the no-shows today at lunch and send emails accordingly.

    Draft day will be on Monday, September 2 at 9am PST. This allows the Surfer and Lynn to participate w/o waking up in the middle of the night and the rest of us to join at our leisure. We're not going to be able to accommodate everyone's schedule but if there's enough push back and consensus, I'll be willing to look at a different time/day. Lynn has won the league since it's inception and has not been at a live draft yet.

    Are you ready for some football?!?!?! I certainly am...Steve doesn't think the Steelers are worth much this year, I'm hoping he gets to eat some crow. Hey, a guy can hope, right?

    Actually, I have only won the league the last 2 years, I don't remember who won the first year.

    Interesting factoid, the past two years I squeezed into the finals to win 3 games straight to win the league. Just saying that so you all remember "On any given Sunday!"

    Looking forward to an interesting season! Can the SQL Bolts make it three in a row!

    FYI 9:00 AM Eastern Time is 6:30 PM out here in Afghanistan.