Home Forums SQL Server 7,2000 T-SQL Plugging in a variable column name in a stored procedure RE: Plugging in a variable column name in a stored procedure

  • Annee (8/6/2013)

    But the query you wrote is not working because the output sql looks something like:

    select count (*) from table where clientName = @clientName....

    which is actually supposed to be

    select count (*) from table where clientName = 'xyz'....

    --And then again, in this scenario, the parameters like clientName and vendorName are not the direct user inputs but they are extracted from an XmlDocument which is automatically generated by another applic where there is never a chance for such a sql injection..

    Appreciate your suggestion, but I am not able to make ur query work without those paranthesis.

    The reason that the output looks like that is because it is parameterized. That actual string still has reference to the parameters. I suspect you didn't actually execute the query, you only looked at what the string looks like. Of course the final choice is yours to make but just because today the only way to run that is from an xml doc doesn't mean anything. The other application could do something funky or the rules may change. The point I am making is to protect yourself by writing safe code. When your code allows it, there is always a chance. 😉


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