Home Forums SQL Server 7,2000 T-SQL Create FInancial week Dynamic based on parameter RE: Create FInancial week Dynamic based on parameter

  • baseehkhan (5/14/2013)

    I want to create the fiscal week for the date.In my case the starting month of the fiscal year keep change it depends on user.

    For that i need help. Above static query is to get the fiscal week for that the starting month is 4.

    Instead of that i would like to use a parameter to get month. By using that is should generate week number.

    I have to agree with Sean, I still can't figure out exactly what you are looking for here. With that I wouldn't know where to start to help. The code you originally posted returns a 1 for 2013-04-01, but that doesn't help understand what should be returned for other dates, or what day of the week a fiscal week starts on. These are just a couple of things you still need to explain if we are going to try and help.

    Please remember, we can't see what you see, we don't know your systems or applicatioins, or data. We can only work off what you provide.