• I recon Lynn's code can be simplified.

    Since both CTE's use the same grouping they may be merged in one:

    with cte as (



    count(Name) as [Count],

    sum(Duration) as Duration

    from #temp

    group by Name


    select Name, 'Count' as Category, [Count] as [Value]

    from cte

    union all

    select Name, 'Duration' as Category, Duration as [Value]

    FROM cte

    order by Name;


    But since the code in CTE is re-executed each time the CTE is referenced I have to support Lynn here - CTE does not provide any advantage.

    Except, probably, more pleasant look of the query.

    If you have many categories to display you better go with a temp table in place of CTE.

    Then the base table will be queried just once.

    And all UNION parts will be reading the #temp resultset cached in memory.

    Code for TallyGenerator