• I think you're looking for something like this.

    ;with ct1 as



    ,Duration, 2 as rank

    from #temp

    ), ct2 as




    , sum(Duration) as value

    , 'Duration' as category,

    , 1 as rank

    from ct1

    group by name




    , Category

    , Value

    , null as Memo

    from ct2

    union all

    select name,

    'Count' as category,


    null as memo

    from CTE1

    order by name,rank

    A few notes:

    - because you're doing a union (even if it's a union all), you need to be disciplined to make sure that both parts have the same names and that they're in the same order within the query.

    - using the = in a select to create an alias is being deprecated, you really want to avoid that notation if possible.

    - the rows won't just order themselves without you telling them HOW to be ordered correctly, so structure the order by accordingly. Remember that there is no such thing as physical or natural order in databases, so you have to be explicit about the ordering.

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?