• Here's an example of what I'm talking about. Of course, I don't have access to the data so the code is completely untested but this will calculate the delimited aggregations just once for each TemplateID/SpecID combination in the PstProdTmplData table instead of 6 identical recalculations for each and every row of the InventTable.

    While the following looks like a lot of code, it will allow your code to run with comparatively blazing performance as to the way it is currently structured. It's a very common method (pre-aggregate and pivot using a Cross Tab) to solve the problem of using an EAV table effectively.


    ctePreAgg AS


    --===== Preaggregate the semi-colon delimited "Data" for each TemplateID/SpecID combination

    -- for performance. We'll pivot the data later

    SELECT p1.TemplateID

    , p1.SpecID --To be used as a join filter in another query.

    , SpecIDs =



    SELECT ' ; ' + p2.Data

    FROM dbo.PstProdTmplData p2

    WHERE p2.TemplateID = p1.TemplateID

    FOR XML PATH('')



    FROM dbo.PstProdTmplData p1

    WHERE p1.SpecID IN


    'Episode title'

    ,'Commercial brand'

    ,'Commercial product'

    ,'Commercial type'

    ,'Country of origin'

    ,'Year of production'


    AND p.TemplateID IN (SELECT ItemID FROM dbo.InventTable) --Implicitly DISTINCT and as fast as a join.

    GROUP BY p1.TemplateID, p1.SpecID

    ) --=== Now, pivot the data so that it's normalized instead of being an EAV-style result set and store it

    -- all in a temporary lookup table for easy and very high performance joining in the final query.

    SELECT TemplateID = ISNULL(TemplateID,0) --Makes the column in the lookup table NOT NULL.

    , CREpisodeTitle = MAX(CASE WHEN SpecID = 'Episode title' THEN SpecIDs ELSE '' END)

    , CRComBrand] = MAX(CASE WHEN SpecID = 'Commercial brand' THEN SpecIDs ELSE '' END)

    , CRComProduct = MAX(CASE WHEN SpecID = 'Commercial product' THEN SpecIDs ELSE '' END)

    , CRComType = MAX(CASE WHEN SpecID = 'Commercial type' THEN SpecIDs ELSE '' END)

    , CRCountry = MAX(CASE WHEN SpecID = 'Country of origin' THEN SpecIDs ELSE '' END)

    , CRYear = MAX(CASE WHEN SpecID = 'Year of production' THEN SpecIDs ELSE '' END)

    INTO #Lookup_PstProdTmplData

    FROM ctePreAgg

    GROUP BY TemplateID


    --===== Add a Primary Key for extra join performance. We let the system name the PK on Temp Tables

    -- because such constraints must be uniquely named in the database and we don't want to destroy

    -- the ability of more than one instance of the code to run conncurrently.

    ALTER TABLE #Lookup_PstProdTmplData



    Once that's inplace, the final query becomes a blazing-performance cake walk. (Note that I didn't pre-aggregate/pivot all the tables that should be. You have to have some of the fun! 😛 )



    p.CREpisodeTitle, p.CRComBrand, p.CRComProduct, p.CRComType, p.CRCountry, p.CRYear

    FROM dbo.InventTable i

    JOIN #Lookup_PstProdTmplData p

    ON p.TemplateID = i.ItemID

    As a bit of a sidebar, this isn't Oracle and we don't have the 30 character object name limitation. Consider NOT using abbreviations for table names in the future as they serve only to daze and confuse the uninitiated. For example, whoever designed these tables used the name "PstProdTmplData" for a table that should have been named "PostProductionTemplate". It's only 7 characters longer and there's no chance of someone misreading the "Tmp" in the original abbreviated name as meaning "Temporary" especially if the miss the "l" in the name.

    Also, we all know tables have data in them so the word "Data" in the table name is a bit superfluous.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)