• duane+sql (2/15/2013)

    I'm seeing a huge performance difference between two queries that are almost identical. The only SQL difference is in the WHERE clause:

    Query1: QueryID=@QID

    Query2: QueryID=ISNULL(@QID,A.QueryID)

    Full Query 1 takes 100x + longer to execute. @QID is never null in this case b/c is set at the beginning. I would expect a declared variable (int) would be quicker than a function wrapping that declared variable. The actual execution plan says Query2 is more intensive, but actual time to process tells a much different story. Can anyone shed light on this?

    Full Query1:

    DECLARE @days INT; SET @days=7; DECLARE @date1 DATETIME; SET @date1=getdate(); DECLARE @date2 DATETIME; SET @date2=DATEADD(day,-@days,@date1); DECLARE @date3 DATETIME; SET @date3=DATEADD(day,-@days*2,@date1); DECLARE @QID INT; SET @QID = (SELECT id FROM Queries WHERE Query='abc');

    SELECT COUNT(*) as Visits, Query, (SELECT AVG(CAST(Pos AS DECIMAL)) FROM GooglePos WHERE QueryID=A.QueryID AND PageID=A.PageID AND date>=@date2) AS Pos, (SELECT AVG(CAST(Pos AS DECIMAL)) FROM GooglePos WHERE QueryID=A.QueryID AND PageID=A.PageID AND date>=@date3 AND date<@date2) AS Pos2 FROM Visits A INNER JOIN Pages B ON A.PageID=B.id INNER JOIN Queries E ON E.id=A.QueryID WHERE date>=@date2 AND QueryID=@QID GROUP BY QueryID,Query,PageID;

    Full Query2:

    DECLARE @days INT; SET @days=7; DECLARE @date1 DATETIME; SET @date1=getdate(); DECLARE @date2 DATETIME; SET @date2=DATEADD(day,-@days,@date1); DECLARE @date3 DATETIME; SET @date3=DATEADD(day,-@days*2,@date1); DECLARE @QID INT; SET @QID = (SELECT id FROM Queries WHERE Query='abc');

    SELECT COUNT(*) as Visits, Query, (SELECT AVG(CAST(Pos AS DECIMAL)) FROM GooglePos WHERE QueryID=A.QueryID AND PageID=A.PageID AND date>=@date2) AS Pos, (SELECT AVG(CAST(Pos AS DECIMAL)) FROM GooglePos WHERE QueryID=A.QueryID AND PageID=A.PageID AND date>=@date3 AND date<@date2) AS Pos2 FROM Visits A INNER JOIN Pages B ON A.PageID=B.id INNER JOIN Queries E ON E.id=A.QueryID WHERE date>=@date2 AND QueryID=ISNULL(@QID,A.VisitID) GROUP BY QueryID,Query,PageID;

    The second query isn't SARGable which means it's not capable of using an INDEX SEEK because you have a column inside of a function.

    Test and see. This makes a million rows of data with a clustered index on the only column. It takes scant seconds to run so don't let the big number scare you.

    --===== Create a test table and populate it on the fly.

    SELECT TOP 1000000

    QueryID = IDENTITY(INT,1,1)

    INTO #TestTable

    FROM sys.all_columns ac1

    CROSS JOIN sys.all_columns ac2


    --===== Add the expected index.

    ALTER TABLE #TestTable



    Now, turn on the Actual Execution plan and let the following code rip. I've added another bit of code to show what else you don't want to do.

    --===== Before you run this section, turn on the Actual Execution Plan.

    -- Then run it and see the difference on the message tab and the AEP.


    SELECT @QID = 999999;


    SELECT QueryID FROM #TestTable WHERE QueryID=@QID;

    SELECT QueryID FROM #TestTable WHERE QueryID=ISNULL(@QID,QueryID);

    SELECT QueryID FROM #TestTable WHERE (@QID IS NULL OR QueryID = @QID);


    It sounds like you might be leaning toward a "catch all" query. Please see Gail Shaw's wonderful article on how to do such a thing correctly. Here's the link.


    As a bit of a sidebar, never trust execution plan comparisons to tell you which code will be the fastest. Even Actual Execution Plans have a lot of estimated information in them that throw things like % of Batch way out of whack.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)