• Congrats on the article, Brandie!!!

    I'll skip the Tim Leary jokes and get right to my question:

    In discussing Isolation, I thought the analogy of the pizza box was clever and appropriate. However then you go on to say:

    if I'm updating customer information in my database, it should not prevent another process from reading customer information

    That sounds like you could be promoting the idea of allowing dirty reads, which I never thought of as being a requirement of supporting the Isolation tenet (though I'm far from an expert); in fact, couldn't that be considered a violation of consistency? Or were you simply advocating for the most granular form of locking that would support consistency (e.g. I should be able to read other customer data, though not the data being updated)?

    Oh and before I forget, for your next article can you work in a reference to Disco Stu (maybe something like, "Disco Stu likes disc defragmentation")?