Home Forums SQL Server 2008 T-SQL (SS2K8) xml in subselect and performance => alternatives? RE: xml in subselect and performance => alternatives?

  • hi. here is the execution plan. some explanations:


    A table filled at the beginning of the procedures. For this Ids we have to write records in table #tmpProductHistory.

    The tables DetailledDataANP and Product are joined to the @InsertedCumulatedDataIds to get all the information necessary for the later insert.

    In the subselect the content of table DetailledDataANP and CumulatedData are stored as XML for each of the records.

    The #tmpProductHistory is copied to the permanent table later.

    This is the query:

    insert into #tmpProductHistory( ProductId, IdentCode, PartitionKey, ProductHistoryTypeId, ProductHistoryReasonId, EventContent )








    select *

    from billing.DetailledDataANP as Innen join

    billing.CumulatedData as f on

    f.CumulatedDataId = Innen.CumulatedDataId

    Where Innen.DetailledDataANPId = anp.DetailledDataANPId

    for XML Auto

    ) As EventContent

    from billing.CumulatedData fact inner join

    billing.DetailledDataANP anp on

    fact.CumulatedDataId = anp.CumulatedDataId inner join

    dbo.Product anpp on

    anp.ProductId = anpp.ProductId

    where fact.CumulatedDataId in ( Select ids.Id From @InsertedCumulatedDataIds as ids );