• Lowell (10/16/2012)

    ok, adding WITH SCHEMABINDING to my scalar function cuts half a second off of my performance, so it goes to 7.5 seconds or so instead of over 8 seconds.

    DelimitedSplit8K already has the WITH SCHEMABINDING directive.

    The two of you are not producing the same result set in your test (not tested on the sample data provided by the OP).

    ========== Scalar Function ==========

    DETAILS_ID Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4

    ---------------------------------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ----------

    D221ACC59D214D9AA7480BDD0186B4F5 2012-04-06 2012-04-06 3 PL32145

    ========== DelimitedSplit8K Featuring Pivot ==========

    DETAILS_ID Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4

    ----------- ---------------------------------- ------------ --------------- ----------

    1 D221ACC59D214D9AA7480BDD0186B4F5 04/06/2012 04/06/2012 PL32145

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