Home Forums SQL Server 7,2000 T-SQL SUBSTRING And CHARINDEX to find start/end of string RE: SUBSTRING And CHARINDEX to find start/end of string

  • ACinKC (10/2/2012)

    Hmmm....these solutions would work if "CustomerFomm" is always followed by "CustomerDOB", but I don't think we should take that as a constant (without input from the OP). Once you've found the beginning of the "CustomerFomm" segment, you'd have to parse through it to find the bits you need: Between first and second tick/quote is the old data, and between third and fourth ticks/quotes is the new data. Work through that pattern and you should be able to get your solution.

    On the same line even we can not assume quote pattern in example as constant pattern 😉

    Only OP can tell the requirement and pattern.

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