• Very nice article. I have started using this in my backup after reading it 4-5 month back in some other forum.

    Also, I have configured another job to verify the backup. This job includes

    1) Verify the backup

    2) Fill the result in a table

    3) Put the table in dailycheck list once you back in office.

    The below steps configured in job to verify the backup.

    begin try

    restore verifyonly from disk = 'your backup file path'

    with checksum

    end try

    begin catch

    insert into DBMaint.dbo.bkpverify (ErrorMessage ,dateNtime)

    ( SELECT

    ERROR_MESSAGE() AS ErrorMessage,getdate())


    The code to create this bkpverify table is :-

    create table DBMaint.dbo.bkpverify (ErrorMessage varchar(200),dateNtime datetime)

    Also, you can configure to purge the records in this table which are older than 5 days(or your preferred value)
